


Effective Testing for Thyroid Function

Does this sound like you?

  • • Sluggish, lethargic?
  • • Memory trouble
  • • Weight gain?
  • • Sleeping trouble?
  • • Constipated?
  • • Feeling cold?
  • • Low energy?
  • • Thin/brittle hair?
  • • Muscle/joint pain?
  • • Low libido?

It could be your thyroid!

Small but vital! The thyroid gland is the “master controller” of metabolism and therefore plays a key role in our health and well-being. If thyroid function is compromised, our quality of life deteriorates and we struggle with day-to-day life and activities.

Enter: Thyroflex Test. This may change how we understand and treat thyroid conditions.

Thyroflex offers a pain-free and cost-effective way of measuring thyroid function with a simple reflex test. Click here to see it in action or here Why test? to find out more.



• 98% proven accuracy;

• Non-invasive testing of reflexes – indicating actual thyroid function;

• Takes approximately 15-20 minutes.

These (vegan-friendly) test results will enable you to address symptoms and aim for a healthier, happier and more energetic you.


Book your Thyroflex consultation today!


Begin feeling better, naturally!

Book your consultation now or contact me for further information.
